Reverse Engineering a Cylinder Head
Reverse Engineering a Cylinder Head
Haven Metrology prides itself in uncompromising customer service – from data quality, project management, cost, and timing. This cylinder head came in to be reverse engineered for a West Michigan small business specialized in building custom engines. The owner wanted to tinker in his shop by himself during his team’s Christmas and New Years break, so between receipt of the part on December 18th we provided a finished model by December 23rd.

Cylinder Head Scan to CAD
Comparing reverse engineered models to their original scan data is critical for capturing accuracy and original design intent. Below is a simple scan to CAD slider, and at the end of this post there is an model you’ll be able to explore for yourself.

Cylinder Head Scan Data
This is an image of the scan data acquired by one of our Zeiss surface scanners. This scan data is some of the most accurate in the industry at +-.0125mm.

Modeling the Cylinder Head in Geomagic Design X
Below are the measured features and extracted tooling used to create the solid model in Geomagic Design X. These features are recreated with design intent – imperfect patterns are corrected, holes made perpendicular, and so on.

Final Blended Parametric Model
Here is the final model – inspired by the actual part and corrected with design intent. This is considered a blended model – free form, non-quantifiable surfaces are automatically generated and then blended into the parametric body of the model.