Industrial CT Scanning Medical Micro Wires
1 Micron Resolution using Industrial CT Scanning
This post demonstrates Haven Metrology’s ability to scan and analyze medical micro wires using Industrial CT Scanning. Resolution depends on proximity to x-ray source; because of the small size of this wire we were able to scan with a 3.93 micron effective pixel size. Some sources say this data can be subdivided from 1/3rd to 1/10th while maintaining a high uncertainty level. Using 1/3rd we have an effective resolution of 1.3 microns.

Alignment, Measurements, and Point Density
After wrapping our heads around the adjusted scaling for such a small part this project unfolded just like every other:
1. Best fit the part to CAD
2. Extract features for alignments and GD&T
3. Create report
Notice the 1.3 micron resolution with the longer cylinder being created from 33,524 points.

20 Micron Profile
Below is a 20 micron profile overlay which demonstrates how the part is shaped compared to the CAD model.
Tessellation at a Small Scale
When we first started this project we noticed that the rounding error of the CAD model was showing more deviation than the part actually has. We adjusted tessellation tolerances in PolyWorks Options for a higher quality model.