Industrial CT Scanning for Soil Analysis
Industrial Radiography for Soil Samples
Industrial CT Scanning is used to inspect soil samples for voids, inclusions, root systems, general makeup, disturbances, and discovery for achaeology. Some projects we have performed in the last several months related to soil include disturbances in Shelby tube samples and analysis for voids and inclusions. The presented example demonstrates CT resolution capabilities and the detection of a range of density materials (metal scrap, plant material (root systems), dirt, rocks, and interesting features within those rocks.

Unroll Analysis for Shelby Tube Cylinders
A unique capability for Shelby tube analysis is to flatten the cylindrical scans. We can then traverse the data uniformly from a common axis.

Standard Axis Slice Analysis
We can also provide cross sectional slice analysis through any axis, at a preset step (every 2mm), or provide images at areas of interest.

Focus Scanning for Increase Resolution
Focus scanning allows us to increase resolution on areas of interest. This rock placed inside the original scan was then repositioned to be scanned at just 6 micron effective pixel size, or approximately 2 micron resolution in Volume Graphics. Versatile Micro CT systems like our Nikon XTH 225 ST give us required setting combinations to get through dense materials while maintaining high resolution.
Rendering settings can be adjusted to search for different things. The image to the left shows the scan filtered for highest density which gives a “3D view” of higher density materials in a 2D image. The image to the right is a single slice image.